Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
hellloooo..........i'll be back.....................miss u all.............BINTULU......i'm coming..................
Posted by anisah at 5:47 PM 0 comments
hello babeh... !!!
kene speaking gak ke bai????
okie okie...
arkh...luper ar nk speaking cmaner????
miz u all guys!!(not gurlz)... wohoho..
hope diz becoming semester will be better than b4. no misunderstanding.. no cheating in exams or wateva..... hopefully our friendship never ends.
Posted by intan at 4:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
it's show time...
how's your result bebeh??????????
Posted by almohdhar at 6:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
tick-tock-tick-tock...holliday is over....
Posted by ros_dkhp08 at 4:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Posted by FabuLouS F`ZaN at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
so much things to do, so little time...
Posted by ros_dkhp08 at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
=) ^^, +_+ ^_~

Posted by adreannajoyce at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Posted by maisarahzuhaili at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by maisarahzuhaili at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
it's being a while for me to not read or posting any word. erm..... whatever it's all already over but still I'm posting to make sure that there is still of the dkhp would read it and never forget about it. well now i do not have anything to do so [posting a blog would be a pleasure for me to take some time to be fill with or the time just gonna be west.
raya in upmkb is so boring, like there is no connection between the people and its surround like it almost t6here is no raya at all. what i do for the one week is just wasting my time, playing games, do some revision and just ordinary things. but the good news is akak and adik cook for us (sayed and me) at the first raya, but still sayed and me have to buy some of the ingredients but i was very happy that day althoug the group is incomplete because mus and ady already going back to kampung. still that was one of sweet memories in upmkb for me.
after raya we have our class again but i see all the student is still in the holiday mode. i feel funny when i see this scenario. hahahahaha....... some of the student also still at their home town and some are coming late. mostly like the raya holiday will end in two week. heh..... still there is no special event for the week after raya. just hang in around with friend and done some work that has been given.
for today (12/10/2008), i'm overslept and go to class late with some friend. and as usual ustaz is already in the class but not begin the lesson yet and answering some question from my friend. if i'm not mistaken the question would be like this ' how to revise or learn titas more easy or helpful?' erm... I'm still thinking about some method that ustaz told but i thing it's not helpful at all.
erm... looks like the time is already Short for me to post because after this class will begin so hope fully there is a time like this so i can post any log so that i can release some of my stress. thats all for now. sayonara, may thereis still a time to post next time. i'll be waiting.
Posted by nelson at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
im comin.....heheheheheheheheh..
SELAMAT HARI RAYA KE 9...Assalamualaikum to all the muslims out there..
Hows your raya???raya ke 9 glad to be here and celebrate our raya here....not in upmkb actually...but in SIBU...alots of thing are different compared to our raya celebration at home...
here u will see all the muslims wears complete baju raya till 1 week...makes them look very heppy n colourful when celebrating raya...also dont forget their famous sarawak kek lapis...they cant miss that...
FINAL EXAM around the corner now...hope u start study now...but me not...see u later...bye :)
Posted by almohdhar at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Welcome back.....
Welcome back to our campus.....and i hope all of you did enjoy your raya and holiday....Well, there will be 2 more weeks to go before the final exam battle :) get ready and do your preparation very well....wish best of luck to all of you....Have a great time...:)
-Mr. F'zan-
Posted by FabuLouS F`ZaN at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
me too!!me too!!
HeLLo eVeRyOnE!!!!
jUsT wAnT tO wIsH aLL oF yOu HaPpY rAyA!!!
mAaF zAhIr & BaTiN....
eNjOy YoUr HoLiDaY..fOr ThOsE wHo ArE nOt GoInG bAcK..dOn'T wOrRy..Be HaPpY!!!hEhEhE....
fOr ThOsE wHo ArE bAcK..hAvE A HaPpY tImE WiTh YoUr BeLoVeD fAmiLy..
I mIsS aLL oF yOu...
rEgArDs fRoM sAbAh!!!^_~
tAkE CarE!!
Posted by adreannajoyce at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
AsSaLamUaLaiKum....Hi Guy!!!!
We'll see again.....
Now,I'm at my hometown...I'm so happy...I hope you all in good situation and don't sad...This is the challenge...Be brave and courage...My family send regard to all of you...Hope you enjoy this Raya at Sarawak...
To Anisah :
Hi anis , how are you???I hope you are in good mood and not in sad mood....Don't sad okay???Be happy...I miss you so much....
To Mr.Fakhzan and All my friend :
From :Mimi anD Family
Posted by Anonymous at 7:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
HALOHA..... friends....
Actually,I am so sad because I can't go back to my hometown during this holiday.
I miss my FAMILY...
I miss my Mother's cooking....
I miss to go fishing with my FATHER's and my SISTER's.....
Arr..........I really miss to eat my favourite food.It is "THE TINANOK TUNDOK".That means
"UBI KAYU REBUS mixed with SUGAR". is very delicious....I love it.!Hmmmm......alwis,BE PATIENT.(^_^).
"SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI that will coming soon. to Sir.FAkhzan..AND all to all my friends".
Posted by alwis at 10:00 PM 0 comments
ALLOHA !!!!!!!!!
first of all i would like to thanks sir for his effort and encouragement to all of us to go through the challenge for every activities that we have to accomplish...eventhough some of us cannot stand for the stress....but remember my dearest sis and bro, these are just a startimg for all of you to face the toughest things for your next semester and so on....eventhough its difficult, but you must tell yourself that you can handle it and if not...just ignore it FOR A WHILE so that you can reduce the stress that may disturb your mental and physical also....remember what sir have told us??? use it and practice to make yourself perfect & matured enough to think and make a right decision....
i have a friend...a classmate actually...he cannot stand for all those things and give up before trying and now i heard that he is working as a despatch....he told me that he regret with the decision and hope that he can turn back to the class and studying with us together....sorry for bothering you all to read this story...but i don't like to see the upset face of Mr.Fakhzan again because of we cannot handle a little problem like this...get tough enough and brave, k guys??
i will miss all of you since next semester we are not in a same class again....i like all of you...the loudness, the happiness environment that you all bring to the class make me feel conducive and comfortable enough to get along wit all of you...i am happy with all of you and lets us strike for the coloring results for ourselves and Mr.Fakhzan...
Happy Hari Raya and enjoy the holiday with a full of joys and for those who are not coming back to your hometown....don't be upset and this is the time you will learn and experience the feeling without family like i do before....take it...face it....
to teach me precious things that i will not forget it....thanks, Sir...and...
Posted by dayahabib at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
To aLL of you,
"SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI , MAAF ZAHIR BATIN" and Happy Holiday to all of you. Enjoy this Eid eve and have a great time.....once again...sorry for everything :)
Mr. Fakhzan & Family
Posted by FabuLouS F`ZaN at 10:56 PM 0 comments
This is n ot the last.. I hope...
HI guys....
everyone hope this 10th week is the last post. I hope this is not the last..
Just post comment as this is the one of our connection which connecting us to each others..
We might be lost in anywhere... who knows...?? Please again, don't leave this blog just like that..
we have contribute a lot to create a wonderful blog like this.. I hope we can share more things with others as this blog may be open for public...
However, our task is not yet over..
we have the new task...
the TALK SHOW!!!
now, I'm the producer... Again??
duh... did i am too handsome??( rain's script) :P
anyway, we will beat the group 1...
we will get them.. hahaha!!!
to all members of this blog...
don't even think to get angpau form me....
for those we going back to my beloved peninsular...
please come back with something...
Cakes, I guess...
Posted by Syaffiq at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Starting from today i know that each and everyone of
us is anxious that Hari Raya is COMING
I want to wish to EVERYONE Happy Hari Raya!!!!!
I also want to Apologize to every mistake that I make
Especially En.Fakhzan (because he"s the lecturer)
I hope that we all can be friends for ever and you all
will always be happy
Posted by iqbal at 7:16 PM 0 comments
#####DKHP ONLY#####
Firstly,congratulation to all group 1 for having a victory for the English Drama Festival last saturday..actually i already expected group 1 can be the winner...the weird is the winner for the best script goes to the INIZIO'S..
Are the script for the group 1 is not good enough...jeng..jeng..jeng..?lets stop talk about our drama..lets talk about this RAYA...hehehehehe..
For those DKHP who celebrate Raya at UPMKB,dont be so sad.......just make it as the first experience celebrate your raya without the closest family...maybe it is not too boring as you thought....or more boring than you thought...just face it...hua.hua.hua.
6DAY LEFT...then we all muslims can celebrate our,eat,eat,eat,eat...hehehe.Here i want to say sorry if i make a mistakes and pliz forgive me ekkk...?i know i've made someone cry last previous week but it's to our own good...hope you understand it...sOrrY.
Lastly I want to wish you all SELAMAT BERPUASA AND SELAMAT HARI RAYA to Nelson SIR..I'm sorry if i made something wrong...and HAPPY HARI RAYA SIR FAKHZAN.
Posted by almohdhar at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: raya post
we did it
assalamualaikum to every readers of my blog
i just wnt to congrajulate group 1 for their outstanding
performance last week
itwas marvelous!!!!!!
hoooray for group 1 !!!!!!!
wo... hooo.......!!!!!!!!
i hope that we can share your victory together as a dkhp group
thank you for making this semester a wonderfull one
because of your victory
we should also must not forget our beloved and stuning
En.Fakhzan that has help to make this all happen
thank you En.Fakhzan
Posted by iqbal at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
AGAIN.... LATE...;p
ha2 for the second time, I forgot to to post my blog....;p
Alright, straight to the aim, about last week....
The final for drama festival was already held once again at Dewan Sri Belian..
Group1 or their commercial name, TEEN TITANS did very well on that day...;)
and... 1st place was already theirs...;p
best script for INZIO'S if I'm not mistaken...;p
On that day, the group2, which means our group,
CALYX PRODUCTION TEAM have been the 'AJK Protokol'....
I think that's all for this last post...
Since then, bye...:)
Posted by 'atikah at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thanks a lot Mr. Fhakzan....
Assalamualaikum.... calyx production, I can't believe we are around the conner to the final examination.. CLOSE! OPEN! CLOSE! OPEN! tup.. tup.. we are just left 1 month again to go back our home then after semester holiday we will come here as student sem. 2. Everyday I wake up and I open the window and I see... the surrounding... It make me are calm... Don't forget with HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI its coming soon. The time which waiting by all people. Actually I feel regret also cause I'm did't back to my home celebrate with my family. this year all myn sibling is at home doing RAYA!.... just I is not be there. Hua..... I would like to be cry.... but what can I do, I have late taking the tiket, I have't some money to buy the tiket cause my bugjet its pull down, and I want get the experience how I feel celebrate hari raya without my family. I'm also want to talk about our final competition drama next week! cayokk..cayokk.. teentitas production and congratulation to all of you... I hope teentitas will get the winner and give the name of dkhp its more beautiful.. yuhu.. we will give support.. don't we are big group here. Thank a lot sir Fhakzan. you are the best lecture. What you give the last day our semifinal competition latest its so get my effect my haert in much deep! I got something here. SIr,. I'm also want to say sory with you for hari raya... forgive me sir if I do something else make your heart its biten. I,m sory sir, then about my test 1 & 2 forgive me... I know I,m are so weak all about english subject from time ago until now I can't to be well in this subject. I tried to be change but I got the same result. give me oportunity in that final sir.... I will tried to do the best. I will.... Thanks sir...
Posted by norlia at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
a last moment...
hello are you?
hope you enjoy your day very well...nothing much to say..I m sure you will so exited because only 10 days to go for hari raya..and for those who going back to hometown..
wish you would like happy journey..
since this is our last blog..I would like to say good luck to whatever you do.. enjoy you life.. honestly..i m so happy to write this blog because it is the only things that you are freely to write what you want..
Ehmm..talking about us..dkhp sem so happy...because we have great time in this period of time..
we enjoyed together..we cry together..everything we done together... I m so happy we you guys.... specially my beloved family members..samerah..syed..farok..dila and tika..
we are happy family.. always together.. its hard for me to forget you and what we had done together... breaking fast outside..'lepak-lepak' at kk and everything we done together is in my memory..fresh in my memory..
last but not least..thank you everyone
who makes our day here become a sweet memory..
not to forget..our beloved Encik Fakhzan we are sorry what we have done..if we are wrong.. and you are the best lecture in the world..
bye...see you soon..
Posted by syafiqah at 11:58 PM 0 comments
FINAL DeStination
Congratulation CALYX!!you did it very well!!!love you all guys!! Although we are not the selected team to be the final team but its okay. for Sean,Rain, Alan,Dilla,Drug addicts Dino and Jojo and for eyza, also for J.Lo and granny J.Lo...don't be sad okay..after this we give our fully support to our other DKHP team TEEN TITANS. they bring our pride..good luck.
ERm..good luck for our becoming final exam.....
Posted by intan at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Last week, isn't it?
Last Friday night I have lost by handphone while I'm going to DSB. I feel very sad at that time.. after a few days Dr. Ida call Umaimah and ask her whether if there student has lost a handphone..thank god that the handphone that Dr. Ida found was mine..Dr. Ida told me that her son has found it while he on the way back from tarawih.. I thought that someone have took it and sold it..but now I got one problem..huhu..I have to sell back the new handphone that I have I'm thinking to whom I'm going sell it..but for sure the handphone's price must be decrease from original price..I have to sell it as soon as possible before the price will decrease much more..waa..if I know I will find back my handphone I would'nt bought a new one..but now is useless to regret what I really have to do is sell back the new handphone..
Last Thursday we are having premilinary session in drama festival between 10 group from all course of sem 1. Only 5 group will be chosen to enter final session.Our group are not chosen for final competition. Of course we feel sad because our group are not be chosen for final competition. But that’s only we call ‘competition’ where some people will win and some people will loss.what The most important is we know we have try our best in this competition. I know that everyone have done great job for our group and we are not regret for that..
This Thursday final battle will be held. Hope that 5 group of them try their best for this final competition especially dkhp Group 1. Go2 Cayok!
Next week I’m going to Kuching to celebrate Hari Raya with my uncle and auntie. I’m not feel really sad eventhough I’m not back home to celebrate Hari Raya with my parent and siblings because I still have my relatives here to celebrate with me. Senior said that celebrate Hari Raya in upm is also enjoy..
That’s all I can say for this week ..
Posted by Nurul Hairunnisa at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: last week
Is this the last blog???
assalamualaikum and a very good day!!
oh no!! is this the last blog that we need to post?? so sad.. honestly, i like to post the blog.. hehe.. i like typing although my english was not so good enough.. tomorrow is the final for english drama festival.. i can't wait to see their performance especially from my programme that is TEEN TITANS Production.. right now, their having preview with Mr. Fakhzan for the last time.. chaiyok! chaiyok! guys.. hopefully all of you will do the best that you can and be the winner..=) CALYX Production team will give support 100%..
yeah!! next week i'll go home.. my flight is on 27th September 2008.. i can't wait to go back and meet my family.. for those who are not going back for this raya celebration, don't be so sad.. i'll bring some 'kuih raya' when i come back to the UPMKB and we will celebrate 'hari raya' together ok!! well, i'll miss to post blog here.. huhu.. hope to see all of you again after 'hari raya'.. i think it is too early to wish this.. but, it's not wrong right?? hehe..
oh ya.. before i forget.. last week and this week (i don't remember what day) i went to the MDS Supermarket and Farley with Sabariah.. during shopping there, the song that we heard was only 'hari raya' song.. so sad.. i feel like it's already 'hari raya'.. well, 'hari raya' is coming soon.. just about 11 days left.. anyway, in this opportunity, i would like to wish all of you and Mr. Fakhzan too, 'SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI, MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN'!! please forgive me if i/ve done wrong to all of you.. love all of you!! da~~~~
Posted by Umaimah Ghazali at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Assalamu'alaikum and hye Mr.Fakhzan and all my frenz =]
ooooo yeah.........
Nothing to be regreted my friends because we all have try the best during the priliminary right........
so,,,,,dont be sad and =[ because remember what the Mr.chairman said during that day....
=] always okay.......!!!!!
Even our group cannot go to the final,,but remember Group 1 were succeed to take part in final,,,,,,,let's us support them and hope they will win the drama competition.....
for group 1
try hard
give yor best
and the most important our supports are always with you all
Ziey =]
Posted by Aziran at 7:47 PM 0 comments
**********hari raya is coming************
good morning to all my friends
HARI RAYA IS COMING...sobbb3...actually i m very sad as this is the first time i m gonna celebrate raya WITHOUT my family...WAWAWAWA...but not so sad since i got lot of friends here...
Once again congratulation to all group 2...forget about that festival and all the drama...dont be so sad for that unlucky no 1...we already gave the best right...i hope so...did i?any comment just say straight to me okey.......
Actually i want to say more about that but its not useful anymore...
To all my friends,DKHP and to Sir Fakhzan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI...
Posted by almohdhar at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: ENJOY....
Posted by Sayed Mohd Nasiruddin at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Posted by fariza at 7:34 PM 0 comments
well, this week not much from me..I don't know what to say...
Tommorrow will be the final day for our drama festival..20th September sad we won't be presenting..but nevermind...I should enjoy tommorrow because it's my happy day!!!hahahaha...
I hope the event tommorrow will go smoothly...
Actually, there's something I felt weird about myself..I don't know what happen and what is going on...ohhh!!nevermind..forget about it..I want to share something...My beloved cat died last month...huhuhuhuh....sob sob sob...='(....I miss him!!!I don't know why he leaved me so early..But, I have to accept that every living things will die...hmmm...
About my english test 2..I'm quite shocked with the marks..but..Thank God..hopefully I'll do better for the final..Hopefully I'll get the same results as english for the other subjects...
Anyway, holiday and raya is coming soon...I'm going to Miri with my!!hehe...Enjoy your holiday yah....Don't be sad for those who are not going back...once in a life time..experience your raya here...hehe...
By the way, Have a nice rest for your weekend everyone..!!!
For sir,I want to apologize for not going to class last Wednesday..I didn't mean it...huhu..Take care sir..and thanks for everything.....
muacks!!!!muacks!!I love you all!!
Posted by adreannajoyce at 7:34 PM 0 comments
i love you GUYS!!!!!!!!!
last time posting the blog....
a litlle bit sad....(huhuuhhuhu)
not writing what i felt.... no more medium to express my feelings....
well... lifes goes on....
i would like to say a few words to my dearest team member...
1) be proud of yourself!!! you gus did your best. so be proud of it!!! eventhough we did not make it to the final, atleast we gain a valueble and memorabble experience... now, when peole aske, you can say, you once involved in a drama!! or make it more fancy, a theater.. hahahaha..
2) fill your day with laughter. no need to be sad.... no need to stressed out... just live your life the way you want it to... do not let others bring you down...
3) remember that every action you make or take there is a consequenses. enventhoug you did not do it on purpose, some can still be offended by your action... no matter how petty it is to you.
i'm not dissaponted at all that we did not make it to the final...
maybe i knew it..from the bigining....
ooooooo0000ooOOOOooooo...... i love it!!
love the free time that i have now!!! seeing group 1, alittle stressed out.. some of the that is...
just relax!! take it easy...
I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!
p/s mummy is worried bout me...
Posted by ros_dkhp08 at 7:33 PM 0 comments
assalamualaikum.... is the last day for us to post the blog as the course work..
but.. hope us still post the blog even is not compulsary anymore..
tell you guys the truth ....
..this blog make me improve my english...
anybody agree with me???
There alot of thing that we get througth together in this meantime..
im so happy with that...
even we dont make it to final for our drama...
we have tried our best...
dont be so sad..
im sure...
there is a good thing behind all the thing happend...
dont worrryy... TEENTITAN stillstanding
fight for the winner!!!
so.. lets all of us give the support for them...
and for DKHP 2008...
the most important thing here is....
HaRi RaYe is coming up!!!!
im felt sad and excited...
sad because im not going home for raya!!
excited because im will face the 1st experience...
in celebrate the hari raya at the oversea...
for those who go back for raya....
dont forget to bring us here the kuih raya
(in alot quantity) when you get back...
ok...i stop it right here...
wish you all...
Posted by baiika at 7:33 PM 0 comments
WHAT'S UP....................
Posted by anisah at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Posted by amalina at 7:32 PM 0 comments
LaSt BloG!!!!!!!
aSsaLamUaLaikUm....Hi guys!!!!!
HoW aRe you Guys???HaVe a GooD DaY ToDaY????I hope all of you have a nice day and may God Bless you....This week is the last week that we can post our blog but after this we can shown to other and make this blog be more fun....
About drama,group 2 can't go to the final...But it's okay,this is the challenge to us...Don't be sad...But don't forget to go to DSB on Saturday at 2 pm....Give support to group 1...To all members in group 2 , I'm really sorry if I make mistake from start and over the drama...Thank you so much coz do the best in festival drama last week....I'm proud with you all....GooD JoB...
To Mr.Fakhzan, thank you so much and I'm appreciate your effort and support to us...
Next week, I'm coming home...Huhuhu...So excited......
I wish to Mr.Fakhzan and all my friends ,
"SeLaMaT HaRi RaYa AiDiLFiTRi and MaaF ZaHir DaN BaTiN"
Posted by Anonymous at 7:32 PM 0 comments
My Last Blog
Assalamualaikum and a very good morning everyone,
Hye Calyx production members, here i want to say dont be so sad about our drama last week, I know that all of us want to go to final but its a judge decision so we cant do anything. Even we cant make it to final but our team have done a very good job and the best performance last week. But I a little bit dissapointed because there have a little bit mistake during we present our drama but I belive its not our team problem yah its always happen to the first team. Even we have a lot of mistake but we just going on until finish and we have do our best. I proud to all of you guys.Now we have to give support to DKHP GROUP 1, I hope they will do their best and be the winner for final tommorow. Good luck TEEN TITANS PRODUCTION.
Today is my last day to post my blog, here i want to thanks a lot to our lecturer Mr.Fakhzan Buang for his support and advice for our team drama. Beside that, i want to thank to you because you can be the best lecturer for us, you very spotting and freindly to your students.
Thats all i want to say, I hope everyone in this group will not forget about our calyx production, we have practise, playing and laughting together. Its will be the nice memory for me. Lastly, i want to wish to all of you Happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Bye........Bye....................
Posted by awang shahril at 7:31 PM 0 comments
final drama and final post
assalamualaikum and good day... last saturday , our semifinal drama. don't be sad my friend. this is our life. life not always success. firstly fail and fail and fail again but after fail we can get a large success. you know why???????? because ALLAH is very fair with people. erm don't be sad haaaaaaaaaa...
start fasting, i start lazy to go look my plant ... at now 19 day i don't look my plant... my friend said my plant already big.... i'm just smile.....
sir please forgive me and all my friend. i don't know who a person but the person is dkhp student....
erm i think i don't have any idea to write.. haaaa one important new to all my muslim friend 10 LAST NIGHT FASTING.... LAILATUL QADAR NIGHT... DON'T FORGET....
Posted by maisarahzuhaili at 7:30 PM 0 comments
hai again. now i'm posting for the week 10 past. first of all sorry sir that im late to post the week9's post because i have a little problem then, but the problem is already solve. huh... do not know what to post this week, it seen that the drama days already over and still i have many work tro do. aboute the drama i didn't care if we do not manage to go to the final because we all deserve it. we deserve to get what have we done. atleast that the relief for me for now. still i tink that other people will blame me or blame other people because of problem that already done. but well, what done is done. there is no time to regret about that because i have to focus on the exem at the end of this semester.
Mm... let me see. it mostly relief for some of the calyx team member because of the result althoug lots of this team is still doest satestified of the result. what has done already done guy.
i think thats all shall i wrote. may time show again and make me to post again later. time is everything now. bye............................
Posted by nelson at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: WEEK 10
i thought, last week was our last blog to be posted..ngee~ sorry sir!!=p
THIS WEEK is the not wrong and im really2 sure..hehehe....
I don't have much to say...
The most important thing now is, we must give our full support to group one. There is only one day left for the FINALE... waaaa.... im really hoping that they will win this for us...for the whole team of DKHP01...GO GO group 1!!!=D
i didnt slept for last night...whoaaaa.... I did biology report...i've had enough of delaying works...Seriously.... but, that's all because i had slept the evening..ngee~
here i would like to wish all of you, SELAMAT HARI RAYA=)
im going back next week!!!nanananana
For those who are also will be going back, do bring some 'kuih raya' k?
n sir!! kek lapis!!!!=))
Posted by ~sameerah hani~ at 7:23 PM 0 comments
hye everyone..
this is the last week for us to post our blog and hari raya just around the corner.
i am not going back for hari raya.
so sad.
tomorrow is the finale drama for teen titans and i hope their performance much better than last the way, thumbs up to all dkhp members.
you guys did an amazing job for the drama.
good luck guys for our upcoming final exam.
last but not least,
Posted by adilah at 7:22 PM 0 comments
DON'T BE SAD............
Assalamelekom..... hi.. calyx production! we see again! how what we know what happen last week..... ya.... I'm also upset.... with our drama, Actually... I'm really hope our drama can into the final but..... we just bite the finger see another group got to the final.
But now I can accept cause we can't rotated the time to go back in first day we came here. Maybe this are something lesson we must know and take it as mistake which don't forget cause there its have something effect to our life.
Actually... better we can't go to final cause we can concentrate with our work, with our assigment, amali, class and the most important its our final examination coming soon..... that its our breathing..... we can't survive if we have not good in our breathing and you'll be DEAD!!, that why I said.
So, wake up! wake up! we are not failed if just not to go the final! we also the winner! winner in our working, coperation and whatever! we must pruod it! cause I said, Its not easy to do what we do..... Don't be sad!
Posted by norlia at 1:11 AM 0 comments
Special thank's to........
Special thank's to,
Sir Fakhzan because he is a very good lecturer, spoting , he always help us in BBI class,make us happy and know how to control his students.May God will be with you all the time,Sir.Once again,Happy Fasting month.(^_^).
Posted by alwis at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Pring..pring..pring.Hello guys..!Hem,what a very hot day for us ..huh..?
Alright.Yahhh,we already know who are the team that were succeed to final.Right?Honestly friends,I am a little bit disappointed about it.But ,never mind..unless we did the best during the competition last Saturday.Actually,I felt so sad after we present our drama.It was because,there a lot of problem regarding the sound system during that day.Friends,I almost cried during that time.I never imagine that this will happen to our team.Hmmm..,I wish if we could back on that day to do the better that we can.But I know,I shouldn't regret it and I have to accept it no matter I like it or dislike it.Friends,you know after the drama....I heard o lot of complaining about the result for that drama.But,what they can do?The judges are more professional than us.The most important thing is,I hope Sir Fakhzan will satisfied about our performance on that day.
Guys,now we have to support Teen Titans Production.Gambateh!!!I hope they will win it.Yahh,...because they are representing our COURSE.
Yesterday,Sir Fakhzan already show up the result for our test 2.Hmmm,,no comment about that.But,I am grateful for what that I got.I think that all I want to say for today.Although this is the last blog for us,but if I want to share something to you,I will post my blog here.
HAVE A NICE DAY today and don't forget to smile.He..he.Pika..pika..pikachu.
Posted by alwis at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
week 7
assalamualaikum to every readers out there
first i wnt to apologize to Mr.Fakhzan for the delay of
posting my blog
and for the drama we should work harder and work
as a team
i hope that we win the drama english festival
we should take all the correction done to us and improve our performance
grroup 2
may the best win
Posted by iqbal at 1:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
This is for the bonus week??... whatever
even the point you get is less by 1, the lost mean you lose the game... But never put the hope too high.. or the more you will suffer...
Life has no mercy.. however don't make our life so complicated...
good luck... and see you soon in semester 2
Posted by Syaffiq at 9:50 PM 0 comments
this is for the 9th week...
I love arts...
but not literature...
simply.. i love to draw what i like...
i like the most is to draw the peoples...
it seem considering all the anatomy, the movement... and also the facial expression...
all of these is considered to make the figure more alive and not too stiff....
I love technology...
since i was at 13.. i was exposed to technology...
PC... i learnt a lot from it...
even some hacking tricks..
from time to time...
I learnt science... I prefer to build the new free energy for the whole world...
or just for my own house... no more electric bills..hahaha
from effective generators to the methanogens.. and then hydrogens... the electrolysis..etc..
duh... all of this just to make me think more logically and scientifically... even sometimes i a little insane... hehehe... However, ideas always come from the insanity...Nothing is impossible.
Posted by Syaffiq at 9:38 PM 0 comments
final posting...
sorry Mr. Fakhzan for the late posting...
to all member of group 2...we have done what we have be given with all the efforts and i think that we should proud with ourselves rather than blaming others because of the failure...
failure is the start to us to move to the better stage and challenge is the teachers of us to gain more lessons and improvements....
cheer up guys!!!
we have our teamwork and remember that we not giving up before the event, right?
the most important is we are fighting and not loose before fight...
special thanks to Mr. Fakhzan who have accompanied us to go through the hardness and add up the lacking factors of our group....
thanks for the guidance and lesson that you teach us throughout the semester....
Posted by hafizal at 9:31 PM 0 comments
week 8
Assalamualikum and good day to my fellow Group 2 Friend.......
I hpoe that you all are looking fine and that I just wanted to
apologize, especially to our beloved and respecfull
En.Fakhzan for posting my blog not at the specific time that
we have made....
PLEASE HAVE MERCY...................
So back to the main idea
Our practice have been up-graced through out the dayss
so i hpoe no one or anybody do a foolish mistake for the up coming
drama festival
"Know what you must do out there on the field, and when you
must do the thingss you were suppose to do"
anyway i we should give our all out effort out there on the field
good luck!
Posted by iqbal at 9:26 PM 0 comments
my week 9
now i have nothing much to say so Once again I want to thank to our lecturer Mr. Fakhzan whos help us a lot for this drama and our BBI2409..... before I forget I also want to thank to all my friend again and I hope we can be The best group ever next time if we have that opportunity....
Posted by Sayed Mohd Nasiruddin at 9:24 PM 0 comments
this is for the 7th week...
we are growing up...
everyone has their own stories.....
well, i would to share mine..
I am the middle son from 5 siblings
Since i was small... I was trained to work in the jungle for my father...
It is a kind of a tradition..
Even you have a lots of degree.. that does not mean that you are able to do the job...
I was trained in the hardship...
when I was in form4, I am used to be alone at home in the city...
No TV.. no Radio.. no Newspaper and no handphone!!!!
what a world??? It was so boring... I swear.. no more living alone in the house...
luckily... after a month, i manage to buy a bicycle...
I used it everyday....
when i back from school, just straight away to sleep...
when i woke up... simply took the bike and drive away in the city....
hahaha... I still remember... i don't even study for my exam....
what can i say.. I still pass the exam...
now, in UPM...
heheh.. i don't think i just can take this for granted...
Posted by Syaffiq at 9:24 PM 0 comments
week 6.......AIYOOYOO SIR...
assalamualaikum....and very good morning to our sir also...
sir asked me to post my previous week blog..........week 6..i think this is the 3rd time i send for week 6 blog...I'm sorry sir...week6....what our group did at this week hahhhhhh.....??
As you all know our group cannot go to the final.....what the/?>,,>../ what else we can do...LIFE NO MERCY....i know our group members already gave their best for that time.
Alot of factors that make our drama not succeed.....firstly we are the lucky number one...i dont think so as ussually the first is the kind of experiment...better for other team because they can take our team lackness and make better...2nd is about the sound speaker suddenly broken....i dont know why it happened at that very stunning precious time..we have to stop our music for a very long time...and the judges maybe thought that it was our mistake..but actually not at all....BUT REMEMBER LIFE NO MERCY....but of course we did mistake at that time...right????
Overall,our team were the best team ambitious laaaaaah...i know we did our best that time,so do i....LASTLY,we must support another dkhp team,group 1,also our pride.HOPE THEY CATCH THAT TRIUMPH.....insyaALLAH....I'LL BE BACK AFTER THIS COMMERCIAL BREAK...STAY TUNED.
Posted by almohdhar at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: what a busy busy week..
This is for 10th week
What a busy week...
I thought I would be more relieved after we have done the drama...
This week.. my schedule is pack with presentation and assignment...
Plus the examination week...
Now the final is just around the corner...
what?? duh.. It seem like to blow off my head!!
Please.. I need time..... argh....
Anyway... i thought we are not going to do the battles between group1 and group2...
haha... I am the producer...
Posted by Syaffiq at 9:18 PM 0 comments
first of all, I'm sorry because I'm late to post this blog. I'm so sick that Friday.
huh... its about week 9, although the semi final just in the corner but still I'm relax because i already know the result from the beginning. although i quite nervous and do it the best that i can still in the end the result is still the same. maybe it's because i lost my believe on certain people in the calyx production. also because all people are stress. but I'm enjoying the drama festival that will be held soon. and i hope this all be end soon.
about the drama, my opinion is just the same from the beginning to the end. like mostly it has a vary little improvement that you also do not know if there is an improvement or not. they always call up for drama practice but they just keep playing around and do the same activity as before until there some of the member very fade up when hearing that there is a drama practice will be done. me my self skip twice the drama practice because I'm already fade up with all of it, and i do not want any stress before the competition. any way, I'm that time is out to the city to take out some money, and the second time i skip is because I'm so and that i sleep at my room with they busy calling me for the music for practice.
about the t-shirt, I'm vary disappointed of the design, its just like a charity t-shirt or just like my aunt t-shirt at my home town. if only the t-shirt is in purple colour, maybe the design will be more interesting to see but what can i do its already being printed. so, just accept it either i like it or not.
I'm very sorry to sir when i heard about the news, now its second time it's related to dkhp. huh..... i want to know the person who did that but I'm also fill very guilty about it. i fill sorry to sir because if all of us at sir place, we still have some one to speak about it, but sir, who will be the one to hear all about sir problem, i know it because will be more responsible to our self when we get more older. some time we can done a things by our self but some time we need some one to talk to but we're shame, afraid, and unresponsible about it. maybe the person who make sir lie that shall apologise although its me who done it i still want to apologise to sir all about it. sir I'm very sorry if I'm the one who did it, but apologise is not enough if its hurt you so much.
by the way, i don't want to talk about it further because what done is done. and don't worry, be happy because there is a life to live more. don't think about all the past, it just might be hurting us from the inside, think about the future where we still have the change to done something good or change our attitude for it. that's all for me from now. I'll post again on Friday for the 10Th week. I'm sorry sir because I'm late to post this blog. see you. bye........
Posted by nelson at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Week 9
final week to go...
we have fight with the challenge that be given to, don't be so upset guys...thanks for the supportive Mr.Fakhzan...even though we are disappointing you, but you are still with us, cheer us up...
to all the casts and crew that have doing the job excellently....congratulations and remember that we all have done our best...we fight or loose is just the results but what we have go through and experienced it is the most important...
Posted by dayahabib at 9:17 PM 0 comments
This is for 8th week...
hello guys...
i don't remember what we have done on the 8th week...
All that i know.. we have done the best for the festival...
I slightly dissapointed with the people who handled the drama festival...
It was a bad start for us...
the did not done the double check on the PA system, the lighting..etc..
I was surprised that in the middle of the show, the lights were turned on from the blue..
What can I say... we are the first team to play the show...
The first team is always used as the lab rat for the experiment..
Life no mercy..
thank god!! we were trained not to be distracted with those kind troubles..
We are professionals...
Thanks guys...
we have made it...
It is not just about the trophy or what so ever...
it is about teamwork....
Posted by Syaffiq at 9:10 PM 0 comments
my week 8....
hi everyone.... sorry because I post late my comment for week 8.... I have nothing much to say for week 8 but just A few reminder before our drama preliminary next week... I hope we can do our best for that session to get involve in the final... I also Hope all of Our Calyx Production member have been ready for it.....
after we have our practise our performance have become far more interesting I hope we can do more than this.... This drama is very important because this is our course work for BBI 2409.... WE do our best my friends...... I love You alll..... Bye.....
Posted by Sayed Mohd Nasiruddin at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Week 9
Good day everyone
At the moment I just want to talk about our loss
of the English Drama Festival........
To be honest I think we have done a great job on every
aspect of the drama, from the props to the performence
and so on but I still wishes that we could have done far
more better than that
I also want to stress out that we should give some hand
for the group 1 as they have make it to the final (thank god)
We should help them for the sake of DKHP
my last wish is that may Group 1 be the winner for the
English Drama Festival (Amen)
Posted by iqbal at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Posted by Pei Ni at 7:49 PM 0 comments
I'm proud of you !
Posted by FabuLouS F`ZaN at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Posted by adreannajoyce at 8:33 PM 0 comments
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......this will be the last post for me....n for us....But only for our course work...We can still visit this blog and post...still....hehe...
i walked all the way from the hostel to the ICT to post this one last im sooooooooo tired and HUNGRY!!!huhuhu.....the time is stil long to break our fast...waaa.....wait up...i think my grammar is so bad today...Too many sleep i think..ngee~
Last saturday was our semi final....we didnt make it to the's ok...there is some reason why.....we just have to accept it...maybe there were mistakes here and there that we dont realiza...that things could affects our performance and result....but what to do....Honestly,im ok with it....The most important thing is that we tried our best and gave our best on that day....
Now, we must support group 1 with all our heart!! oh yeah!!! im sooooo in..hehe...
Life must go on...n i think, we should make a meeting and do a little bit post mortem....who knows, if there is another event like this in the future, we wont repeat the same mistakes....
Posted by ~sameerah hani~ at 8:27 PM 0 comments
huhuhu.....sorry myself was very dissapointed with the outcome..I'm not the one who designed it..I just ordered it..I know the design doesn't match the price...I'm sorry...but..I want to add more design on it..I still love it..because it's our team t-shirt..I don't care what people say..It's done..but..I like the design at the back of our t-shirt..hehe..
Posted by adreannajoyce at 8:27 PM 0 comments
this week blog!
hye everyone.
thanks a lot to Mr.fakhzan for your support.
congratulations to group 1 because you all can make it to the final these saturday.
congratulation to group 2,you guys did a great job!
i am proud with dkhp members.
for group 1..
keep on moving,we all support you.
to all group 2 members,
let bygone be bygone.
do not regret about that.
we did the best on that day.
no more drama practise for group 2.
just keep these drama as a good memories for us.
good luck guys for the upcoming test.
DKHP the best!
Posted by adilah at 8:22 PM 0 comments
8th week blog.
i do not want to talk about the 8 week event because i do not remember about that.
overall, starting from the first week our drama ,
i still blur because i am the second intake student and i did not know what to do.
i just following orders from my friends and sir.
at my first meeting with my group,
they choose me to be a pregnant lady.
i am quite nervous.
then we started to designed our group t-shirt.
but, i wonder,
why our t-shirt design have been changed to the other design?
our drama script also had changed because sir wanted more feelings like suspen, thriller, sad emotion in our drama.
the script writter, intan and ros have to stay up all night to complete the script.
good job guys.
after the script has done,then we started to make our drama practising.
we did the practising at Pusat Islam.
yes.i still remember about that.
we keep doing our practising untill it create a problem to our member team.
but it already settle.
we also did the photoshoot session for the drama phamplet.
we all busying with our drama practising, test, report, assignment
and presentation.doing these, doing that but the most important is,
"life no mercy".
we have to keep moving.
until then...
Posted by adilah at 7:52 PM 0 comments
sorry for the late post blog.
last week blog supposely.
last week was a exhausted week for me.
we all busying with our test 2 and our upcoming drama competition.
group 2 already got our t-shirt group.
and i am very dissapointed with that t-shirt.
but,let bygone be bygone.
we cannot change the past right.
i need to post one more blog for the 8th week.
sir did say that i did not post my blog on that week.
until then...
Posted by adilah at 7:37 PM 0 comments
sad moment....
hello everyone...
me again.. this week i need to post two blog.. and now i want to tell you about what happen to me last night.. Last night around 12.00 o'clock I got call from my dad.. I know something that bad will happen..because he usually at that time..I even wonder why my dad call at that time..
My guess was right..
my grandma was pass away just a minutes ago... i shock..really shock...i know my grandma in hospital.. she has something with her skin... I really can skin can effect to someone life?it can be..but in serious condition... but my mom just come back from kampung last morning... she call me 3 hours before my dad call me my grand ma was gone... she didn't say anything... so though all is fine...
my mom know I m strong enough to face it... she just leave me with that... actually i 'm not.. i cried... i never cried since I was here..even when my mom back leaving my here.. I don't cry..because I m strong enough..but this didn't enough strong.. I very weak...
my grand ma have alzhiema since i was 7 years-old.. she didn't remember at all... me..her childeren even my grand pa...never at all..
she can't speak as well..
it 's true..i never knowing my grand ma very well..but I know.. she's the best grand ma
I have..I still remember in my childhood... she treat us very patiently.. my grand pa always say her wife is very outstanding women..
my grand pa always busy doing his work as well as my grand ma leave alone with our maid... before this our maid whose the one take care my grand ma... I dont know what happen after that..
because I was here...
the things that make me so i can't go to back to to give my last respect to her...
firstly I thought my aunt(staying in saudi arabiya) and my brother (practical in naval base lumut, we try to contact him last night but he 's on the ship) not coming back...
I just got a massage..saying that...they on the way coming back!!!! me and my younger brother ( taking his pmr ths year in taiping and having trial exam now) only the one not going back!!!!!
I felt so sad...why me??
my dad say that I no need to going back.. I call my dad my dad after grand pa pick up the phone.. he's cry to me.. I cannot stop from crying... after that my beloved cousin call me..also cry...everyone cry...i felt I want go back now... but i know this is more important..the test... I must be facing this..I remenber one thing my cousin said... we no longer having a grand ma..
always thing about that...I cry...
I know i should be thankful because I m back for this hari raya..
but it doesn't mean anything ...she had gone... I can would happen this hari raya.. my brother will go to korea on 25 sept (by ship).. my flight on 26..he will go about a month... I miss my brother so much.. almost 3 month we didn't college before is just near by him... every week we went to midvelly together...since we are far from family..
what the sad moment I got this ramadhan..never mind..I will take it as a fate that will make me up...insya-allah..
see you soon...
Posted by syafiqah at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Posted by adreannajoyce at 7:17 PM 0 comments
how to make Alwis's scar?
assalamualaikum and a very good day to everone..
i hope you are in a good condition after having a great drama festival..
sorry because late post the blog...actually on the last friday...i and my friends (sayed ,farok, samera,atiqah and adila) got presentation...after finish tne presentation..we quickly went to jss... unfortunetely..we was late...the jss lab was closed.. I have tried to access the internet from my room...but after two days trying ..I totally fed-up with the wireless..
that is why I prefer to choose ict today..
about the drama festival last week.. i totally salute my team (costume and make-up) because they have do a great job..
welll done..
even other don't say it was nice...but honestly..i like our cast costume very much..
well done kak dayah..ros..anisah...
I m sure you want to know how I got the ideas how to make Alwis scar?? 's a mask..
i use to have that 's actually more worst than what you saw last week..
it not totally still wet last saturday...if it's more scary..
it from need to blend it before put it on your is good for your skin..especially to remove the scar..try it at home!!!!!...
about the result...don't be so regreat my more positive about it... take it as a challenge to do better next time....okay..
see you soon..bye..
Posted by syafiqah at 7:16 PM 0 comments