Angel of mercy
How did you find me?
Where did you read my story?
Pulled from the papersDesperate and hardenedseeking a moment every fix
All I wanted to say
All I wanted to doIs fall apart now
All I wanted to feel
I wanted to loveIts all my fault now
A Tradegy I fear
Angel of mercy
How did you find me?
How did you pick me up again?Angel mercy
How did you move me?
Why am I on my feet again?
And I see you
Whoa Whoa Whoa
I feel youWhoa Whoa Whoa
Before just the daylight
Come and i stand by
Waiting to catch the quickest plane
Flying to nowhereIs better than somewhereT
hat's where i've been and nothing's changed
All I wanted to say
All I wanted to doIs fall apart now
All I wanted to feelI wanted to loveIts all my fault now
A Tradegy for sure
Angel of mercy
How did you find me?How did you pick me up again?
Into the mercyHow did you move me?
Why am I on my feet again?
And I see you
WhoaI feel youWhoa
Friday, September 5, 2008
One Republic - Mercy
Posted by FabuLouS F`ZaN at 9:05 PM 0 comments

Next Saturday (13-09-08) wiil be the semi-final..
Another next Saturday (20-09-08) wiil be the final..
So, don't be confuse yah..
other than that, I hope every casts have memorized their dialogue okay..learn to improvise!!!
and also!! do come for the practise..I know everyone is do I...but..time is moving and semi-final is coming soon..
Posted by adreannajoyce at 12:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
1st GROUP!!!!CALYX!!!!
Well, this is the 9th week of our drama… I’m so excited about our drama… can’t wait for our show…yeahhh!! We should enjoy it!! Hehe…
This week, we managed to finish the background for our drama…Last Monday, I went to Medan to search for cobweb bar… I do not know why Syaffiq suddenly wanted us to do a background…last minute!! argh! I do not like it! But, luckily I found it and I bought four as they told me to…It’s hard to find it you know… Normally, we have to buy it one set with the head… After I went back to the campus, we immediately draw the sketches on the big plain fabrics…On that night we painted it together… I drew the sketch on the fabric for the night background with Pei Ni helping me…We finished almost 2am…Thanks for those who contributed their help…including those who sew the fabrics…hehe=)
Oh gosh!! Before I forgot…our group will be the 1st group…I repeat! FIRST GROUP!! On the semi-final…huhu…no choice…think positive and be positive…although we’re the 1st group to start…we are the beginner…right? And most important is…those who are fasting…this is an advantage…because you are still fresh that morning…if our presentation is in the evening… I think most of you are exhausted and moody because you’re lack of energy…right? So…we have to wake up early and get prepared okay…I hope everything will go smoothly on that day…I’m nervous…but…I know we can do it!! We have a great script, great story, great cast, great crew… So don’t waste your efforts…
Let’s improve ourselves during the practice…We need to concentrate more on our acting part..
I’m proud to work with all of you…A little arguments made us a stronger group…!! isn’t it CALYX ?!?!
Posted by adreannajoyce at 11:51 PM 0 comments
my hope...
assalamualaikum to all my friend....
hope we all have a good day.....
last 2 day...we all have a full drama practice at Dewan Seri Belian....
what can i say about after the practice is.....
we are no prepare 100% yet.....
a lot of thing have to do before the drama festival...
our props...the size of the background that we did is totally not suitable at
the real stage.....
our acting...most of us still cannot give the serius 'acting'....
sory to say..but we suppose have to remember all our skrip by this time... hope is with this short time we had.....
hope we can focus at our drama practices....
for the BBI test tomorrow i wish to all....
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
Posted by baiika at 11:17 PM 0 comments
I wish.......
Opss,,before I forget,tomorrow we will have our BBI TEST 2 and ETNIK TEST 2 next monday.GOod Luck for all CALYX production team...
Posted by alwis at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Hi.... calyx production members..... we see again in our blog..huhu... today I'm have't idea to talk again in this blog but I have the problem to share with you'll. huh..... i don't know how to tell..... cause that is so secret for me. I don't know why I came here I have so many problem here..... I can't separated either work neither problem...I so tension....., ya... I know we are around the conner..... the drama festival.... so we have no time to all the work in the same time. woh...... i dont know what to say a lot again. sory i just stop.
Posted by norlia at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Thanks a lot!!!!
Hai everyone..
how are you today..
Hope you in good condition today..
I just want to thank to you about the photo shut..
Thanks because you give cooperation in making our job easier..hope we can do better next time..
For this week I plan to check all the costume for the last time..because I felt that..there are something not enough good..
Hence. see ur for the next time.....bye..
This is the third times I try to post blog..Hope this time is okay..
Posted by syafiqah at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Posted by anisah at 7:32 PM 0 comments
I'm back...........jeng jeng jeng...
Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all GROUP 2 and OUR SIR FAKHZAN
This is the 9TH week we work together as one big family.......lot of cheers,happiness and also sadnessssssssss.....last 2 days we had a drama practise at the real stage....the stage is bigger than i our background looks weird at the back.
we also try to take time within full drama....23 minutes and 30 seconds..It's over the limit.
What i see from that night is everybody not ready yet.....seems like no commitment at all.NOT REMEMBER THE SCRIPT LA..NOT REMEMBER THE SCENE LA..NOT CARE ABOUT THE PROPS LA..and A LOT MORE...everybody should be responsible
with their work...not just look and ask other to do it..SO DO I
NEXT WEEK we are going to show our 9 week work...SO I hope we will show our best,ALL OUT to our sir..I'M SURE WE CAN MAKE IT....IF WE DO HAVE A COMMITMENT AND WORK HARD...INSYAALLAH WE CAN MAKE IT.
Posted by almohdhar at 7:29 PM 0 comments
drama festival is coming now.... =' )
I'm proud with all of you guys....... I'm also hope that we will be the best team ever for the drama festival.....
Before I pen off I want to thanks to our lecturer Mr. Fakhzan that help our group very much....
k.. bye... I love you all.....
Posted by Sayed Mohd Nasiruddin at 7:28 PM 0 comments
ASSALAMUALAIKUM and HELLO....... firstly i want to wish HAPPY RAMADHAN TO ALL MUSLIMIN N MUSLIMAT IN CALYX PRODUCTION TEAM.... don't forget to TARAWIH yeaaaaa.... in this month i hope we can take many benefit in ramadhan al mubarak..... i very very sad,,, and i disappointed with myself... i fear to give admonish when something wrong happen in front my eyes.... i very angry with myself.... i don't know how to do because situation at UPM its very different for me,,, this month i can see many feebleness in myself...........
at 3/9, wednesday night, 7.00 to 10.00 drama practice at DSB... actually i don't agree with time because the time i know many muslim in calyx production team want to solat tarawih... i don't know how to admonish..... i'm very upset with myself........
ermmm tomorrow TEST 2 BBI2409 i hope i can do it my best.. i hope all myfriend too.... sir forgive me if i want do it something wrong..please 'DOAKAN SAYA' and lawful all my knowledge.. and all my friend too please forgive me if i do it something wrong..... assalamualaikum....
Posted by maisarahzuhaili at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Posted by ros_dkhp08 at 7:27 PM 0 comments
hai, again all. nice day, nice week and nice month. full with conflict and joyflness, where life is just like a drama. well this is life for particular children, but for me life is harsh, everyway is conflict, there is no easy choise and lack with happiness. huh... such an unpleasent day.
for me, life never be peace until the time has come. the time where i can get my eternal peace, where no people dare to disturb me. such a pity the one who just playing arround, and doesn't know the meaning of life. life is dull to me, there is no special colour to it just black and white just like my personality. black for vengence, and white side for true seeing. thats all i have.
life is so dull with there is no special one behind,
but for me it's enought, just enought,
for messing my life.
hei.... where is the light i seek,
all i see is a darkness. an eternal darkness where there is no one therjust me and my shadow. a fake light to me!!!
so hard to live, but easy to die.
thats the phreses that i always here.
is deatd is just that simple.
huh... may be i gonna ask the dead people about it.
or i just gonna tried it up. but i'm not insane to do that.
my life is belong to someone else,
and i still have sacrefice it for them.
because i'm in a big depth to them.
maybe i'm not strong, wondering alone in this world.
maybe i need some help from other.
but what i am, compare to every person that i know.
i'm just disturb other people life.
i'm just a junk in their eye.
so i sepose just to ignore all, and live in my own caccon.
thats all for now. see ye.
Posted by nelson at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Week 9
Posted by fariza at 7:26 PM 0 comments
I might be crazy if i choose to think negatively.. better happy all the time..hahaha.. Alhamdulillah, i'm now become very hardworking. study and anything. i want to think all about positive values. huhu... 9th week...not bad.. we had our full practise and tihs practise is much more better than before. all the cast bring their character perfectly but. but Syafiq did not know how to be mad.. its so good for real life but in drama..eewwwww.... i dont know how to tell him but.... erm he always reject people and this latest issue.. he reject our music set up!!! but i need to calm down as the way to respect him as the director. but he did not have the criteria of a leader. i'm sorry everybody for my mistakes. hope after this he will improve his attitute. for this becoming semi final, we are thr first group that need to perform. and group 1 is the last group. time is running out.. goodluck to all Calyx production members!!daa
Posted by intan at 7:26 PM 0 comments
"Actually,I need someone to share my problem with..but most of you thought that I am crazy and useless.Nobody cares about me".Shhhh,.hehe.That is my dialogue in our drama.hehehehe.
A very good morning to Sir.Fakhzan and all CALYX production team.Yuhuu.!
At Wednesday night(03/09/2008),we went to the DSB to practice for our drama competition.Actually,I am unsatisfied about our acting during that time.WHY?This is because ,when I sat at the back with NOR LIA,I can't hear your GUYS voices.You know,it is too slow.And as the members in our team,I feel so worry about that.
Actually, during that's a little bit hard for me to felt and enjoyed my character especially in scene 8.This is because the background sound for this scene was too slow.So,please find alternative way to overcome this problem.Ops,sorry I did not meant to hurt anyone in our team.I just want the BEST for our drama.About my character,I promise that I will do the best for it.SO,CHAIYOK!CHAIYOK!
Oh ya,I am very happy because my "ZEA MAYS/CORNS " at the Ladang kongsi UPM growing up well. Thank's GOD because it always raining.He..he.
bye..wee..wee,HAPPY FASTING MONTH.(^0^).
Posted by alwis at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Assalammualaikum everyone,
This week is week 9, I'm very busy with my report, assignment and also drama practice. We have to present our assignment and also drama preview and semi-final by next week. I also have to study for BBI course because tomorrow we have a test 2. So, I have to work hard. On Monday, our team have painting for the background of the drama. I just can see them and give a little bit help for them because I Can't drawing. On Wednesday, we have drama practice at Dewan Sri Belian and we have practice on all scene and pronounce the word clearly and loudly. I have a little bit problem but I will try my best for the preview and semi-final later. That's all, I hope our team will do the best fot the preview and semi-final next week, and I hope Calyxproduction team will go to final. Good luck everyone for your test 2 and drama semi-final.....
Posted by awang shahril at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Assalamu'alaikum and hallloooooooo everyone
.............Today is the fifth day of Ramadhan and I really miss my mom's cooks....
Back to our drama
On wednesday night,we have a full drama practice at dewan seri berlian from 7 p.m till almost 10 p.m...........
Everything was done smoothly but there were still few things to be improved.........
Overall,,,all casts are perform well...........
Then,,I want to give my personal opinion about the last scene which is Ila (as the pregnant lady/ghost) go out and haunted old J.lo (Alwis) and also the narrater (Atikah)........
For me the scene is really ''alive'' and so scary with the spooky music and lihgting which is really suits to the scene situation...............Hope during the drama preview soon,,,,,,,we will make the audience scare........and........screaming......hahahaha..................
day to day our works become more and more..............and sure we will feel so stress to handle them right?So do I...uhuhuhu
But remember,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we have our own choices in our life as Mr.Fakhzan told us in last class...........So,,make it easy................
...................................................last,for all calyx members....................................................
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHOOSE TO WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..........................................................LIFE IS NO MERCY.......................................................................
Posted by Aziran at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Posted by amalina at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Next Week....Next Week.....
hello guys..
looks like only one week left for our preview with mr. fakhzan..
i'm so nervous.. i'm afraid i cannot do the best as what CALYX Production Team's want..=(
tomorrow (06.09.2008), we'll have our second test for the subject English For Academic Purposes (BBI2409).. good luck guys!! hope, all of you will do the best for our second test.. chaiyok! chaiyok!
lastly, i'm so sorry if i had done something wrong and bad to all of you.. really really sorry.. happy fasting.. bye~~
Posted by Umaimah Ghazali at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Posted by Anonymous at 7:15 PM 0 comments
The Festival Is Around The Corner!!!!
Everything must be done by next Monday because the preview will be held on Wednesday... I think, for our group it was 98% done. This week, we gave our attention towards the props and settings. Last Tuesday night if I'm not mistaken, almost all of calyx team worked together to draw, colour and sew the background. Everything was done at kk2 and it has been settled up by 1.40am...
Last Wednesday, we have our drama practice at Dewan Sri Belian (DSB). It started at 7pm and ended at 10pm. On that day, we break our fast together at foodcourt. I enjoyed that moment... It seems like just calyx team was there...;p And we have our Maghrib prayer at the library's musolla...
That's all i want to share for this week.. Till then, bye.... salam...;)
Posted by 'atikah at 7:11 PM 0 comments
test two is coming up...but im not prepared yet....i want good marks...aaaa...........I really hope that us DKHP will get better marks than other courses..than get dean's list together...waaaaahhh=D All da best to all and lets pray for each other..
Well, about our drama....We will get our t Shirt on the 9th sept...Really curious and excited to get the shirt that i paid..huhu....Hopefully it will look good....
Last two night- wednesday...We had a practice at DSB...We ran through all the scene..Most of the scene were good..Only two scenes if im not mistaken, were not smooth and need to be brushed up more...We can make it to the final im sure..But the most important thing is, we must perform and be the best on the semi-final...
however, we musnt be over confident..we havent seen other courses performance yet....maybe they are better...Who knows..Thus, lets be better and the best...
Posted by ~sameerah hani~ at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: oh no...te
Busy week
Hu Hu..what a busy week for us...this week we are busy with the rehearsal and prepare for our props..After we pray for our tarawih, we rush to drama meeting..Last Wednesday, we have booking Dewan Seri Berlian for our rehearsal. I can see the improvement of acting skill from all the cast especially Awang. But we still have to modified some props, lighting and music of our presentation of drama..The difficult things is we have to match the lighting and the music. Everyone have put big afford on this drama. Some of the member did'nt get enough sleep in order to prepare the props, music and lighting to make it more perfect..
This week I'm busy with the assigment group.We have to present it and send the assigment by next week..Next week there also have two another assigment..Yesterday,I have to finish two report, Biology and Chemical Physics report at the same time.. this week is also week for out test 2..Now I know how tired doing job in last minute.
That's all I can say for this week..
Posted by Nurul Hairunnisa at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: what a busy busy week..
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
happy fasting month...
recently we have a full practice at Dewan Sri Belian and we also have a meeting on completed the props at KSR...
from the practice, we have see that the voice projection also the way they acting is quite real...
other thatn that, the confidence seen more improvements and also the music plays are compatible with every scene that they acted on...
the drama will be held at 20 but the preview is on 10 september and we must do our best since we have a very tired day averyday, right?
so....gambate guys!!!
Posted by hafizal at 9:09 PM 0 comments
very busy week...
it was a very busy week....the drama is just around the corner and assignments also draft proposal have to submit before raya...everything must be done b4 was a stress time for me...
BUT...from the recent class that MR. Fakhzan had told us...
we have two choice in life...
so...i have choices to stressing myself OR to relax to take a breath for a while before i move i choose to take a breath to gain a full energy and patient for all this things...
come back to our blog...
recently we have a practice...a full pactice to set the time at Dewan Sri Belian which the props and setting were already 90% done and also the costumes...make up i think we should to change the color to a brighter so that we can see the effect from the light is more natural. we also have a meeting at KSR to help our props and setting crews and together finish it to use it for the practice on the night at DSB
nothing more...
happy fasting...
and don't forget...
eventhough we are in hurry or under stress...we have two choice to make ourself in a good mood ar bad mood...
Posted by dayahabib at 8:52 PM 0 comments
hye everyone.
happy fasting month.
yesterday we were having our break fast at food court together with all calyx production members.
it is very enjoyable.
after we having our break fast, we go to library to perform our solat.
afterwards we started our drama practiced together with sound system and props and setting.
mmm.sooner we will get our tee and i am very excited.
our rehearsal with mr.fakhzan on 10th September.
but our drama preview on 13th september.
it is just around the corner.
and i am very nervous.
i hope we will give our drama during our semi final later.
till then..
Posted by adilah at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Yesterday was the first day we practice and had a " REAL" drama show in Dewan Sir Berlian.
We really make it as our real performance that we will perform in preview section next Wednesday. Every actor and actress play their roles professionally while crews take their part either in sound effecting and music and props and setting. And the happiest thing is, EVERYONE was gave their SUPPORT from starting to the ending!!
I really enjoyed during that moment. And, i wish that " CALYX " will be one of the " APPLE IN THE EYE OF THE JUDGES ". However, we surely will do our best in the performance next week!!
Keep it up, CALYX!!! You are the BEST!!!
This weekend is our test 2 for BBI 2409. So, good luck to everyone and do your best oh!!! Kambatei!!!
Team's t-shirt, waiting for you.... ^^
Posted by Pei Ni at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
actually this is for last week.....i did not send my comment last week.
what we do for last week humm........?as usual we continue our drama practise and i saw many by day we always improve our drama to make it complete...
last week we were needed to wear our costume for this take picture...that's make me more excited as everybody looks so real.....casanova with his cowboy hat and brown coat,J.LO with her girlish wear,mat and minah rempit OR OUR BIKERS already with the helmet and gloves.........dilla and alan with her baby inside dilla...but the most covered and the biggest picture is me,the DRUG ADDICT..i'm the simplest one on that day as i only need to wear MY PAGODA....NO SPONSOR.
now we are in RAMADHAN SEASON..we have to manage our time properly to complete this task..THE TIME IS AROUND THE CORNER...THE HARI RAYA OR THE DRAMA FESTIVAL......?BOTH OF THEM....OK....GOOD BYE MY FRIENDS.
Posted by almohdhar at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Hai everyone....
how are you today....last week we have our photo shooting session....
I feel really smart with the casanova suit... but I'm also happy because all of the member who involved in that photo shooting session they also look great and smart... I'm proud to be one of the Calyx Production members..... Did my meke up to much??????? hahaha
Now we are in fasting month so during this month we must have a lot of patient to go trought this month.... so I hope everyone can give full comitment to our drama practice although it litthe bit tired...... ok that all for now...... bye....
Posted by Sayed Mohd Nasiruddin at 7:50 PM 0 comments
A little more... A little more...
Now the preliminary is just around the corner...
We are now focusing on our props and setting...
Everyone is working harder as this is Ramadhan...
A winning month for muslim
This might be our opportunity...
So, let us pray to our God..
Posted by Syaffiq at 7:43 PM 0 comments
HI guys.....
In the past few weeks...
I was injured and not feeling so well....
Sorry if I could not give all of you the best I can... but, I'm trying...
This drama sometimes makes me feeling so depressed....
However, with all of your support and commitment... give me courage...
Thank God, all of us still happy and enjoy everything that we have done before....
Thanks guys
Posted by Syaffiq at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Assalamuaikum and a very pleseant day to everyone
(espesially En. Fakhzan)
Firstly, I want to apologize to En. Fakhzan as I did not
pass-up my work book to him because of some difficulties
(I don't want to discuss about that)
And now back to drama!!!
For the time being we are concentrating on the cast costume
and the 'porps', and not forgeting the pamplet that will be
For the costume and make-up I think Shafiqa is doing a
good job, (thank god my costume is easy to find, as I already
have most of it)
As for the Props, there ere still in process
Thats all......
Thank you for reading....
Posted by iqbal at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Week 8!!!
assalamualaikum and good day guys!! it's already week 8.. and just 2 weeks remain for the preview.. well, what do you think?? can we make it?? hopefully we can make it.. i'm already saw the photo captured for our production's pamphlet.. honestly, i love that photo.. it looks very nice.. well done guys!! and congrats to the photographer for the nice photo.. and congrats also to the costume and make-up crew for the wonderful wardrobes and make-up.. on the 1st september, we will be fasting for the muslims.. i cannot believe we already in fasting month (Ramadhan).. in this opportunity, i would like to wish all of you Happy Ramadhan.. may God bless all of us.. and before i forgot, Happy 51st Independent Day.. well, good luck guys!! bye..
Posted by Umaimah Ghazali at 7:54 PM 0 comments