the title of the drama....
recently we have a photograph session and the photo is looking so nice...hmm...behind the white shawl....nice title...
i hope we will do our best in enjoying the drama and grab the winner title...double up the practice time and keep on modifiying and improving our skills and overcome the fierce on the stage...
for the costumes i think it was so suit for the character of J Lo that handled by addreana because it looks so chicky and sporty to make the character more life....
to adila...i think you should change the outer dress because it is too crowded for pregnant women and you should tell the costumes and make up crews to modify the costume that you are wearing for the photo....
and last but not least...i love to have fun and sharing joy with all of you....hahaha
Friday, August 29, 2008
Posted by hafizal at 1:21 AM 0 comments
WEEK EIGHT?????.....!!!!!!
hello guys...
its a busy week, huh? nice addreana, you are so sweet wearing that costumes in pink and adila...i will get another costume for you...since you are not very comfortable on it, right?
recently we have try on the costumes and the photo seen, i hope it is wonderful in the real event...for addreana...thanks for being so supportive for this group...and to shafiqah....thanks for always remind me about the activities...even i am so busy, but i try to give cooperation as much as i can...
there is about another one week to go for the preview right? i hope we can beat another group since we are very hardworking on setting up and keep practicing...
about the article that Mr.Fakhzan has posed, it was so touching and teach me to care for the one you love before it getting too late to do, friends...i do care for all of you...and love to having fun and sharing difficulties together...
Posted by dayahabib at 1:18 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
This is a real emotion.....take a look~~
The greatest pain in life is not to die, but to be ignored.
To lose the person you love so much to another who doesn't care at all.
To have someone you care so about so much throw a party... and not tell you about it.
When your favorite person on earth neglects to invite you to his graduation.
To have people think that you don't care.
The greatest pain in life, is not to die, but to be forgotten.
To be left in the dust after another's great achievement.
To never get a call from a friend, just saying "hi".
When you show someone your innermost thoughts and they laugh in your face.
For friends to always be too busy to console you when you need someone to lift your spirits.
When it seems like the only person who cares about you, is you.
Life is full of pain, but does it ever get better?
Will people ever care about each other, and make time for those who are in need?
Each of us has a part to play in this great show we call life.
Each of us has a duty to mankind to tell our friends we love them.
If you do not care about your friends you will not be punished.
You will simply be ignored... forgotten... as you have done to others.
This poem was written by a young girl who committed suicide some years ago. Please show someone you care for them today. It takes so little of your time to smile, give a hug, a word of encouragement or just to say "I care" You will be rewarded for sure:-)
Posted by FabuLouS F`ZaN at 8:27 PM 0 comments
hello my friends.... this week was a very stress week that i ever feel. i don't know but i was really stress and dissappointed with everythings.. i got a lot things to do but its nothing finally. i tried my best to do anything but it seem nothing. congratulations to all of my lucky friends that their forum has not been rejected by mr. Fakhzan, as what our group got it. hopefully this becoming topic we will not be rejected anymore..
Now i want to go through our drama, the story BEHIND THE WHITE SHAWL. congrats to Ady, Ros,Dila,Hanif,Nelson,Sayed and Syafik as they could bring their character properly and perfectly. also for the minor characters that is young chick, clubber and kids. what happen to my character, i don't know because i heard from syafik that he don't want a D.J. erm....thats my fate.. always been rejected..whatever life must go on. i need to be strong. i need to think positively whatever and whenever they said. i can't wait for this drama fest. i want CALYXPRODUCTION to be a winner. er....although i'm nothing....huhuhu.. ok dear..bye.... hopefully this Ramadhan will bring us new hope and shine our life.
Posted by intan at 8:11 PM 1 comments
I'm having so much fun!!!

Hello there!!This week is the 8th week of our far so good and I'm enjoying each moment..Look at the picture up there..We took it on last Wednesday..I really have fun that day..hehe..Thanks to all the photographers..Thanks to Kak Dayah and Syafiqa for helping us with the costumes and make up..Thanks to Pei Ni,Maisarah,Nisa,Iqbal for the props..We had finished our props and setting..Thanks to Ina and Nel for the music..To Intan and Ros for the script..To Azi as the treasurer and for her support during the practice..To Hanif as the stage manager..To all the Cast for their great commitment..And especially to our director..who has been leading us..Although he looks slow and not that strict..but,I know how he works and I enjoyed working with him..
My dear CALYX members..we have 1 more week to go for our preview..I hope we can do the punctual to our practice..and crews,thanks for supporting the cast during the practice...we had finished our scenes from scene 1 to scene 8..we just need to polish more and make more improvement..
Last but not least, I love you all & take care always!Good luck for the up coming test 2..Don't be so stress..manage your time well and don't sleep too much..hehehe..
To Sir, thanks for your supports and take care...
Posted by adreannajoyce at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Hello again, shall all days shine with Ra and night, shine with Elune. In other word, may your life, day and night be guide with, and happy shall be your path.
finally this is already week 9Th, time is so fast but i, still thinking that just yesterday I've been here. the drama team is getting more serious now, i think, but still, this group is enjoying the time for practice and some time have the opportunity to joke with each other. i feel so lucky with all this guys because they never show their stress face, and just enjoying it. last Thursday is the photography day for the pamphlet, although some do not attend the day, still the person who came give a lot of support. i think that's all about this team.
for my daily life, my block is busy to for the semester 1 to enter the block drama for this kemerdekaan day, but i manage to skip it, although there may be a friend of my or the senior doesn't satisfied with me. i have to make a sacrifice, but not sacrifice my time for that things.
i hope my life is getting better here but like sir say, life is no mercy, so9 i have to adapt the life in here so that all is in the right position. thats all for this post, see you in the next post.
Posted by nelson at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: WEEK 8
Assalamualaikum and very good morning every one,
This week is week 8, oh my god so a drama preview and semi final is very soon. Next week, we have test 2 for BBI 2409 on 6 of September, I'm very nervous because my first test I only got 7. About our drama practice, on Tuesday we just focus for scene 3 until scene 8, so I no need to practice on that day. They give their best for their own character. On Wednesday, we dont have any practice but we did a photography session for the actor and actress in this drama. They look very good and cute. Ok thats all.Thank you.
Posted by awang shahril at 7:43 PM 0 comments
say chezzeeeee!!
morning everyone!!
this week was lots of fun....
sure there are ups and down, but overall it's GOOD!!
we had our picture taken for the pamplet this week....
it's seem that everything's going quite well when I saw everyone in their costume... it's sort of lifting a little worries that I had...
I've never seen boys put make up before...
hahaha... Sayed and Hanif... they really look apart from their usuall.
Syafiqa did a very good job in putting make up on our 'Granny'..
Kak Dayah did J.lo's make up.... woow!! Ady look soo CUTE!!!
my make up was done by Atiqah... she made me look very dark and evil.. espesially my eyes... black eyeliner and black eye shadow...
Nelson looked very cute... He said he look like a pumpkin....
OH! there's still thing i want to say...
My mom scollded me!! she asked about my card expenses...
some misunderstanding... actually, it was not me who book the flight by using credit card... It was my father!! my mom were confused of the two credit card statement....
made me worries that somebody stole my credit card number...
Thank god that it was just a misunderstanding....
huhuuhuuhu.. i do not need to cancel my credit card..
Posted by ros_dkhp08 at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Hi there... are you'll alrigth? huh! I'm so sleepy today! last nigth I got a sleep at 2.00 a.m.... I'm so tired! Actualy I'm enter the drama block for national days on 31 august 2008 coming soon! I also want to say sorry cause I' did't have to go the drama practice last night at islamic centre...... I'm sorry, I go to the drama block practise, in the drama block we have to sarawak dance, I did't know yet how to dance it so I'm have go to practice until I well cause I dont want geting ashame on the stage thats day. But I think when I enjoy the drama block.. now! I can feel custom here and I can tell to my family in semenanjung I change to be sarawak etnik about 1 week cause learn the sarawak dance just 1 week! are you think the dance it simple? oh! no! masyaallah! Now.... I know its not easy to do something to success but I'm so happy coz I have the experience become the sarawak people althought just 1 week! hahaha
but... I'm also so..... TENSION! cause this week I'm so have a many work.... I'm so tired, I have 2 drama now! thats is must be practice until success, this week and next week! the next week also we have the test 2 it begin 6 september 2008, today its 29 september 2008 so we have 1 week again to war again.... my brain is in rolling now... How to I got the spirit..... hoh...... help me..... I so afraid if I fail this sem..... I Hope I not bad! to want to be veterinar doctor1 thats why! I take this cause! I' m so fanatic about vaterinar...... so I want to maintain my result first! But now I'm so lazy.... Time its running! but I'm still lazy.... How can I change my attitude....? my spirit it lost......
Posted by norlia at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Week 9
Last Tuesday Zi and I went to the town to buy some props that we still did'nt have for our drama presentation. Unfortunately, we could'nt find some of the props, seem like the shop in the area of town do not have many choices for us to buy things that we want.It's better for me to shopping in Kuching while I'm going to my auntie's house to celebrate hari Raya, if I have extra money at that time..hehe
Last wednesday, member who take in charge in costume and make up have to get ready for their job to make up and prepare costume to the main characters for photograph session. The picture will be edit for our group's pamplet.
Last night, we have our drama rehearsal at Pusat Islam but have been cancelled after that because many of member didn't came, I don't what the reason why they didn't came..
Time so fast.. next week is first week for fasting for the muslim and also the week for test 2. My result for the last test was not very well so I have improve it for the next test in order to have good pointer for this sem.
That's all I can say for this week..
Posted by Nurul Hairunnisa at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: Week 9
Assalamu'alaikum and a very good day for beloved Mr.Fakhzan and all my dearest friends
drama,assignments,upcoming test 2 and presentations..................
huhuhuhu,so many works have to be done...............
Time is really precious and we must know ho to manage it wisely.......................
But,It's okay because every work that we did sincerely and honestly,I am sure that we will get positive feedback.........
For instance our coursework,DRAMA!!!!
If we are really put effort and give the best to ensure our drama become a very great and fantastic drama,We will get the "champion" title and the most important we dont have to repeat this course for the next sem......huhuhu....
No pain No gain......
Last wednesday,,,,a photographing session was held for our group and all those photoes will be put in our group's pamplet...
What's interesting is the main characters' make-up which is make their characters "alive"......
Good job to our make-up "manager"
=) last,,,,,,Happy upcoming RAMADHAN and BE PREPARED TO FACE THE UPCOMING BATTLE.......(TEST 2)....Huhuhuhu.........
.........................L!fe !s no mercy.............................
Posted by Aziran at 7:14 PM 0 comments
First of all,I would like to apologized to all my team members for not attend our drama practice last night.Actually that is because I'm not feeling well last night.SORRY. I also do not understand,why I always sick since I came here.Because before this I never get sick 3 times in a week.Hope you guys can forgive me.OK.=).
Actually this week, our team already do 4 times (in the evening & at night) drama practice.Sometimes I feel so tired .But I know I must do my role as a "GRANNY" in very effective ways.And I have big responsible to carry out my character."GRANNY".YAH..THAT'S ME .Hehehehehehe.Oh ya,sometimes when we have our drama practice ,my team always called me as a "GRANNY",but I never bother about it.Unless,that's is my trademark ,so they will remember me when they see the "REAL GRANNY" at the "FARLEY" or "MDS" market.Actually, this week we also have a drama shooting.It's really fun,but after that activity I felt so tired.But I also learnt something from there,because I realised that how hard is to be an actor/actress.Hehehe.Huhh,honestly,I have no idea how to posing like a GRANNY.But.,never mind because our photo look so NICE.
Upps,before I forget "thank's INA for your patience for teach me on how to make my acting look so real".
HAVE A NICE TODAY!.....chayok!chayok!
Posted by alwis at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Posted by amalina at 7:12 PM 0 comments
HELLO EVERYONE......................................
okay,this week nothing interesting i want to share with you usually,drama practise,do assigment and go to Ladang Kongsi...about drama we all have been finished drama practise until 8 scene...overall our practise is very.. very.. i wake up late,7.40 and i think don't want to go to class today...but my roomate ,kak Eton said i still have time to go to class...this is the first time i wake up late at upm...hahaha....i really want to see my mum and her cooking,especially" asam pedas ikan pari"....very delicious dishes in the world....sometimes at kk2 have cooking this dishes but the taste really bad and i think they do not know how to make "asam pedas ikan pari"....oopss...if at blok i can cooking...huh....okay,,i don't know what to write anymore....that's all...For all my friends and sir,happy merdeka and 2 you are the BEST......................BYE...
Posted by anisah at 7:09 PM 0 comments
under pressure....hehe
Posted by fariza at 7:08 PM 0 comments
assalamualaikum and good day............... ermmmm, firstly i want to share about myself.. last week my parent take three adopted brother from university pertahanan nosional.... i'm very jealous because my mother always story about adopted children.... but i don't care because i still belove child...... hahaha,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this week i'm always remember my parent.. i dont know why........
last wednesday, the class BBI group 2 make interview. my group choose topic PARANORMAL...... waahhhh at the time i'm take information in internet, i can look many picture about paranormal...eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ........ i'm very scared...... at the night i cannot sleep because i'm very scared but i' not scared about paranormal... i,m scared because after night i need to present my interview about paranormal.......
ermmm this is the best part in this week,,,,, photograf for the our drama... wahhh i cannot say anything just wait and see....... bye assalamualaikum........
Posted by maisarahzuhaili at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Week Full of Emotion.....
Happy, tense, sad, disappointed, excited, release...
All these emotions combine together...
1st of all, at last,
we have settled up every single scene of our drama
and that makes me happy and a little bit release
because I do not have to worry about not done all the scenes..;)
Last Thursday, we held the photography session for the pamphlet..
And I'm one of the photographer and also the make up artist...;p
That was my interest actually...
As usual, tense...;p
assignments given by our lecturer was like water flowing...
But as usual too, LIFE NO MERCY.. Isn't it right SIR FAKHZAN??...;p
So, the upcoming Monday will be the first day of Ramadhan
and I wish a HAPPY RAMADHAN AL MUBARAK for all Calyx team...
Actually, I'm happy and can't wait any longer for Ramadhan
but in the same time it is some kind of sadness
not only for me I think but most of us here felt the same..
For the first time I'll not breakfasting with my family for even once..
What a disappointment..;(
Alright, I think that's all to share for this today...
And once again,
Till then, see you again other time....
Posted by 'atikah at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Only 2 weeks left!!
there's not much time......
nervous..scared..and many feelings mixed up...
this week...we practised at the PI like always...But on tuesday, i accompanied syafiqa tu medan..She wanted to buy the stuffs for costume and make up...We also bought mimi's dress-the clubber...It cost over a hundred=O later on, we went to Farley and bought the accessories...
and on Wednesday, there was a shooting..WOW!=p we took the pictures for our pamplet..Only few were included...Jlo, Adila, drug addict, Rain, Alan, Dino, Jojo, Sean and Old Jlo...I think that is all....We came and help them to get dressed...make up and other things....It finishes quite late..Nearly 5 if im not mistaken...
Here, i would like to wish the best!!
We can make it to the final...!!!oh yeah!!=D
Posted by ~sameerah hani~ at 7:07 PM 0 comments
assalamualaikum and very good morning everyone......
firstly...wish to all of you,my friends...
happy upcoming Ramandhan....
and not to forget...
happy national day too....
but we are not actually 'MERDEKA' yet...because...
semi final for our drama festival is coming every soon...
if im not mistaken its would be 2 more week from now.....
im so excited..but in the same time little bit afraid....
oh my god!! i just knowing that we have not enough time to do our practice..
because in this mean time we are busy with national day programmes...
about our practice tonight..maybe we have to cancel it...huhuh..
what we did this week???
fotografic session at PI...
it actually for our invitation pamthlet...
only the main character involve in this session....
of over all...everything are going smoothly....
everyone look very very nice with their custom...
sayed custom is very like casanova....
addy look very cute...
alwist your looks really like granny..hehe
nelson not looks like him, ...
hanif are you really professional in being a drug addict???
and... dilla,syafik...ros,iqbal...
all of you are the HOT couple..hahaha...
before im leaving...
once again...
Posted by baiika at 7:06 PM 0 comments
BeSt ExPeRiEnCe..........
How are you guys????We'll see again......
This week,I'm not well...I got flue but I still can control it.....About drama,our group still doing practice.As usuall,our group still maintain doing practice.I think all my friends and me feel so nervous.This is because the day to preview will be arrive soon.We can do the best and also be the best.Hopefully,we can go to the final.
Don't forget about my experience went to Kuala Tatau...Wow!!!I got the best experience...I felt so happy.I could felt the fisherman life.I got adopted family..They very friendly and kind...They accepted me as their family..I'm happy to be their family.One thing that I like about my family is their cooking..Untill now I still miss their cooking...So delicious..Spicy and lots of "belacan".I like it...I think in each cooking have "belacan".If I have leisure time , I will go there...I think that's all I can share with you all...Thank You.
HaVe A NiCe DaY AnD HaPpY FaSTinG DaY..........
TakE CaRe...
DoN'T FoRGet To Go To the first "TeRaWiH"
Posted by Anonymous at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Posted by FabuLouS F`ZaN at 1:22 AM 0 comments
happy fasting month everyone.
on wednesday we having our photo shoot session.
i am not photogenic actually so, i do not know how to give the best poses for the photo shoot session on that day.
iqbal did say that i have no heart felling and i admit that.
yes!i do not have to come to lecture on monday because it is holiday for all students upmkb.
well.we getting busy with our second test that just around the corner,busy with our report, assignment, presentation and last but not least our drama.
busy,busy and busy...
well, like mr. Fakhzan always says,
"life no mercy".
i do remember that.
to all group 2 members, just want to wish you all the best for our semi final drama.
and i will do my best too, as a pregnant lady and ghost.
till then..
Posted by adilah at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
IQ test....
In an interview section,a IQ test is giving to all the interviewer.
You are driving in a very heavily raining night now. On the way to your destination, you pass by a bus stop. There are 3 person there. Three of them are a weak and sick granny, a doctor who had save your life before, and a lady / man that someone your admire with. The night is cold and there is no more coming bus during that time. But your car only can drive a person, who would you choose to be the ONE as your passenger?
Some of them have choose granny, doctor or the one they admire with in their own reasons and opinion. But, there is a guy come out with another answer.
He say :" I would choose to give my car key to the doctor and ask him to fetch the granny to the hospital. And, I may get the chance with the girl i admire. "
What is the lesson in this story?
Actually, the " CAR KEY" is the main character in this story. The guy had chosen to sacrifice his key, and what he get back is three things in once.
Sometimes, if we sacrifice a little things, we may get more than the sacrifice we have made.
It is just same what we have in our drama now. If we sacrifice some of our time and energy, there may be a BIG BIG reward waiting for us in the coming days.
Calyx, KEEP IT UP!!! You can surely deal with it...
Thanks to everyone!!! Happy Raya soon.... =p
Posted by Pei Ni at 5:50 PM 0 comments