hi and hello to sir Fakhzan and all calyx production members.
finally, the time that i waited the most, the day of practice for the drama. this is the first practice at PI, where all people already preparing for the drama althoug we still need the scripe to practice. on that day(wenesday), all people give their sapport and cooperation, altougt, still have some problem. this week are very hard week, because we have a test , practice, and other activity made by the dkhp's senior.
the test week. there already 4 ntest has past then tonight is for the prt and tomorrow is for hubungann etnik. for physical chemistry , we still wondering when is the test. i hope it will be done soon.
the practice is done in good condition, but still there is a troble, where the props for our practice is stiil bjlank. for ythe mnusic. i still did't arrange it altoug i already have all the music i want( some of the music is stiil at intan).
about the activity (dkhp's actyivity), we already at critical week, but still the senior make the activity for dkhp. this is such a nonsense, we are very busy, then they just make a lot of activity, and i'm feel quite stess of all of this. oh god i'll gonna be sick.
anyway, i hope i can stand it, because this semester is alraedy a half of ways before a holiday. i wish! i'll just need a sapport from my fellow friend to do this. and thats all for this week. see yee soon in this post. wish all have a good semester, and for hanif happy late birthday(14/08). bye-bye.
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