Hello there!!This week is the 8th week of our drama..so far so good and I'm enjoying each moment..Look at the picture up there..We took it on last Wednesday..I really have fun that day..hehe..Thanks to all the photographers..Thanks to Kak Dayah and Syafiqa for helping us with the costumes and make up..Thanks to Pei Ni,Maisarah,Nisa,Iqbal for the props..We had finished our props and setting..Thanks to Ina and Nel for the music..To Intan and Ros for the script..To Azi as the treasurer and for her support during the practice..To Hanif as the stage manager..To all the Cast for their great commitment..And especially to our director..who has been leading us..Although he looks slow and not that strict..but,I know how he works and I enjoyed working with him..
My dear CALYX members..we have 1 more week to go for our preview..I hope we can do the best..be punctual to our practice..and crews,thanks for supporting the cast during the practice...we had finished our scenes from scene 1 to scene 8..we just need to polish more and make more improvement..
Last but not least, I love you all & take care always!Good luck for the up coming test 2..Don't be so stress..manage your time well and don't sleep too much..hehehe..
To Sir, thanks for your supports and take care...
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